Real Estate in regional New Zealand is benefitting strongly from all the Auckland activity over the past two years and the Bay of Plenty is no exception. Low interest rates, tight numbers of properties for sale and booming net immigration would tend to suggest this buoyancy will go on for some time. All of these factors are manifesting each week in our auction room. This week we auctioned 32 properties; last week 38. Our vendors are certainly becoming more optimistic for the price they might achieve and buyers are plentiful.
My advice to vendors last week was to ensure their properties were auction ready with builder’s report, LIM report and anything else a purchaser might require to bid unconditionally at auction. This week the message is to the buyers to get themselves auction ready. They need to have completed due diligence (checking of all documentation and reports available) and they need their finance well and truly sorted. Our Rothbury Financial Services arm has been instrumental in assisting hundreds of purchasers to get the best mortgage deal in the market allowing them to bid further to secure their dream home. Don’t forget to include them in your due diligence!
Have a great week.
Karen Worley
Sales & Marketing Manager