Our People | 160+ Real Estate Sales People | EVES

Whangarei Teams

EVES Whangarei

96 Walton Street   09 438 0071    whangarei@eves.co.nz

Kristine Faltado

Accounts Manager

Robyn Anderson

Compliance Manager & Office Support

Madeline Bassett

Sales Support

Sharnee Maynard

Digital/Brand Coordinator

Briar Waite

Sales Support

Donna Barnes

PA to Brooke Gibson

Janine Treweek

PA to Richard Lyon

Waikato Teams

EVES Huntly

120 Main Street, Huntly, Waikato   07 828 8525    huntly@eves.co.nz

Sean Foster

General Manager, Waikato & EVES Franchisor

07 834 7160 / 021 664 434

Michael Cresswell

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8032 / 027 494 0645

Vangie Philpot

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8034 / 027 289 3697

EVES Victoria Street

1030 Victoria Street, Hamilton   07 838 2039    victoria@eves.co.nz

Sean Foster

General Manager, Waikato & EVES Franchisor

07 834 7160 / 021 664 434

Karen Brown

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8020 / 027 351 3665

Kathryn Czepanski

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

027 855 4445

Katherine Foster

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 834 7038 / 021 393 411

Neil Ransfield

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 834 7033 / 027 586 8439

Brad Running

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

021 272 3786

Kimberly Savage

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8037 / 027 462 1173

Baljeet Townsend

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

027 637 9432

Ankush Verma

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8028 / 027 763 0002

Darren Anderson

Commercial Sales & Leasing

07 903 8027 / 021 933 570

Kya Mayne

PA to Katherine Foster & Brad Running

Amber Sowerby

Branch Administrator

EVES Rototuna

1/44 Horsham Downs Road, Rototuna   07 854 3837    rototuna@eves.co.nz

Sean Foster

General Manager, Waikato & EVES Franchisor

07 834 7160 / 021 664 434

Aman Bali

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

022 644 4440

Wendy Knight

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 834 7037 / 027 493 6391

Siobhan McCarthy

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Associate to Aman Bali

021 568 633

Rosie Milicich

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

027 810 6848

Vardaan Sharma

Residential & Lifestyle Sales Associate to Aman Bali

07 834 9578 / 022 427 1412

Ankita Walia

PA & Business Development Manager to Aman Bali

Kayla McDonald-Jackson

Branch Adminsitrator

EVES Putaruru

30 Tirau Street, Putaruru   07 883 3195    putaruru@eves.co.nz

Sean Foster

General Manager, Waikato & EVES Franchisor

07 834 7160 / 021 664 434

Ros Hill

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8042 / 027 499 7147

Don MacKenzie

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8044 / 027 497 2696

Debbie Sheridan

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 903 8041 / 027 280 8823

Stacey McMillan

Branch Administrator

Bay of Plenty Teams

EVES Waihi

42 Seddon Street   07 863 1118    waihi@eves.co.nz

David Mackenzie

Business Owner, EVES Katikati & Waihi

07 549 3761 / 021 684 304

Brooke Edwards

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 863 2288 / 027 435 5905

Dynasty Holtz

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 549 3767 / 022 124 1186

Lester Mullan

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 863 2284 / 021 121 4940

Ash Meares

PA to Dynasty Holtz

Audrey Ranga

PA to Brooke Edwards

Lianne Jackson

Branch Administrator

EVES KatiKati

Cnr Jocelyn Street and Main Road   07 549 0052    katikati@eves.co.nz

David Mackenzie

Business Owner, EVES Katikati & Waihi

07 549 3761 / 021 684 304

Durrelle Green

Horticulture, Rural and Lifestyle Sales

07 549 3769 / 027 949 3725

Manju Saini

Residential Sales

021 105 8787

Jade Small-Kohu

Residential Sales

07 549 3763 / 027 347 7951

Colin Stewart-Rowe

Residential Sales

07 549 3764 / 027 454 8080

Beverly McCormick

PA to Durrelle Green

Tyler Boyle

Sales Administrator

EVES Omokoroa

The Village: 97 Hamurana Road, Omokoroa   07 557 9240    omokoroa@eves.co.nz

Tanya Konings

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 557 9243 / 027 419 8816

Jess Anderson

Branch Administrator

07 557 9240

EVES Bethlehem

Shop H1/H1A Bethlehem Town Centre, 19 Bethlehem Road   07 579 3503    bethlehem@eves.co.nz

Barbara Sternberg

Residential Sales

07 579 3391 / 021 562 644

Jacqueline Unsworth

Residential Sales

07 579 3397 / 021 576 813

Wendy Rose

PA to John Rose

Jess Anderson

Branch Administrator

07 557 9240

Penny Wall

Branch Administrator

07 579 3503

EVES Cherrywood

Cherrywood Drive   07 576 2530    cherrywood@eves.co.nz

Lachy Davidson

Residential Sales

027 567 2499

Jason Hyde-Hills

Residential Sales

07 570 0977 / 021 887 660

Deanne Stewart

Buyer Specialist to Chris Royal

07 579 0661 / 027 283 0077

Candice Donkin

PA to Chris Royal

Carol Freebairn

PA to Diane Davidson

Lynda Royal

PA to Chris Royal

Helen Baker

Branch Administrator

Leanne Jamieson

Branch Administrator

EVES on Cameron

1066 Cameron Road Gate Pa   07 579 5239    cameron@eves.co.nz

Jackie Fothergill

Residential Sales

07 571 7564 / 027 445 4943

Harpreet Kaur

PA to Ranjit Singh

Kate Delo

Branch Administrator

07 579 5239

Tania Esdaile

Branch Administrator

07 579 5239

EVES The Lakes

2 Taurikura Drive, Tauriko, Tauranga   07 543 3837    thelakes@eves.co.nz

EVES Mount Maunganui

121 Maunganui Road   07 572 8155    mount@eves.co.nz

Rachel Dickison

Residential Sales & Marketing

07 572 8177 / 020 4128 7937

Callum Duncanson

Residential Sales

07 571 7587 / 027 279 4033

Rebecca Angell

PA to Pat and Yolande King

Kelly McEwan

PA to Kyra and Kelly Ormsby

Kaitlin Wood

Sales Associate to Miranda Horan

Justine Johanson

Branch Administrator

Jenny Little

Branch Administrator

EVES Papamoa

Papamoa Plaza   07 572 0111    papamoa@eves.co.nz

Spencer Acarapi

Sales Associate to Charlotte Gardner

07 557 8086 / 022 021 5330

Sam Watherston

Residential Sales

07 572 8283 / 021 432 658

Luci Bateman

PA to Rachel Martin

Sade Sleeman

PA to Fran Harman

Courtney Tamblin

Client Care Manager for Charlotte Gardner

027 574 3789

Susan Wallace

PA to Charlotte Gardner

Catherine Hayes

Branch Administrator

Tracey McGregor

Branch Administrator

EVES Rotorua

1172 Haupapa Street, Rotorua   07 349 0819    rotorua@eves.co.nz

Steve Lovegrove

General Manager - Eastern BOP

07 222 5234 / 021 727 338

Joshua France-Meeuws

Residential Sales

07 349 7137 / 022 409 4161

Kellie Kanara-Batt

Residential Sales

07 222 5208 / 021 044 7869

Corey van der Meer

Residential Sales

027 825 9485

Gerald van der Meer

Residential Sales & Auctioneer

027 440 4820

Soma Debnath

PA to Gary Singh

07 349 7131

Dan Fergusson

Marketing & Media Specialist

Stevie Jones

EA to Steve Lovegrove

Annette Matthews

Branch Administrator

Courtney McAllister

Sales Co-Ordinator

Lea-anne Ropata

Office Manager

EVES Whakatane

205 The Strand, Whakatane   07 463 0020    whakatane@eves.co.nz

Steve Lovegrove

General Manager - Eastern BOP

07 222 5234 / 021 727 338

Pat Jarvey

Residential and Lifestyle Sales

07 463 0025 / 027 260 0654

Steve Robinson

Residential and Lifestyle Sales

07 222 5200 / 027 445 9373

Michelle Gibbons-King

PA to Andy Stretton

Caz Baker

Branch Administrator

Shanece Hartstone

Branch Administrator


EVES Resource Centre

Level 1, 247 Cameron Road, Tauranga   info@eves.co.nz

Heath Young

Chief Executive Officer

07 579 0669 / 021 636 889

Jordan Sievwright

Bay of Plenty Auction Manager & Auctioneer

022 094 9645

Mary Derksen

Head of Finance

07 579 0710 / 021 628 660

Malcolm Forsyth

Compliance Manager

07 579 0665 / 027 474 7812

Lydia Wenham

AML Compliance Officer

07 579 0655 / 027 261 2561

Gabriella Troutbeck

General Manager, Marketing & Communications

07 579 0686 / 027 330 3232

Tanya Collett

Marketing Manager

07 579 0681 / 020 4101 3233

Genevieve Wills

Marketing Executive

07 579 0788 / 027 237 0417

Vicki Semple

Sponsorship & Events Manager

07 579 0668 / 027 576 0066

Sylvie Williams

Training & Development Manager

07 579 0792 / 027 613 5837

David Martin

General Manager of Business Development

07 579 0648 / 027 579 7558

Pauline McLaren

Head of People & Technology

07 579 0677 / 021 025 88642

Kristin Bainbridge

Executive Assistant

07 579 0688 / 027 245 5455