Something that we strongly believe in at EVES is sustainability and being mindful of our impact on the environment. We live in a time where the need to consider the impact of our actions is more important than ever, and this includes our home and habits within our household. ‘Sustainability’ is the term that broadly encompasses taking steps today to ensure that the future is secure and preserved for the next generation. ‘Eco-friendly’ on the other hand focuses on minimising our impact and harm on the environment. Consider some of the below factors to help you incorporate eco-friendly and sustainable practices in your home:
Insulation and double glazing
Double glazing and insulation effectively reduces the transfer of heat in a home, so that it can be heated more efficiently. This reduces a household’s reliance on gas or electricity-powered heating, which in turn lowers the cardon footprint of a home.
Solar panels
Solar power is a source of renewable energy, and solar panels, if fitted efficiently, can be a fantastic addition to a sustainability-focused household. Solar panels work by absorbing the energy from sunlight, which is converted into an electrical charge. According to mysolarquotes.co.nz, a 3kW solar power system consists of around 10 panels, which should be sufficient for heating a three bedroom home with standard appliances. A solar power system installed correctly (in appropriate proportion to the size and requirements of your home) could save you anywhere between 40-70% on your monthly power bill.
Energy efficient rating on appliances
Household appliances in NZ generally come with an Energy Rating sticker, depicting either 6 or 10 stars for the energy efficiency rating, plus a label with the energy consumption of that appliance. It’s worth comparing the star rating and consumption with appliances of the same size, type and capacity. The more stars, the more energy efficient the appliance and the higher the potential savings.
Energy efficient light bulbs (LED)
When it comes to shopping for replacement light bulbs, a lot of people are drawn to the cheaper option of incandescent lights. What you may not know is, LED bulbs use 85-90% less energy than standard light bulbs and can last 15 times longer. This means they are better for the environment as there is less energy wasted, and while they may cost more up front, using LED bulbs will save you money spent on electricity in the long term, as well as being better for the environment.
Greywater recycling systems
Greywater is the wastewater from baths, showers, basins and sometimes laundry. Greywater recycling systems reuse this water for irrigation, and in some instances for flushing toilets. This is done by using a filtration system to collect the water, which is then fed through an irrigation system to keep your plants, shrubs and lawn watered. Greywater cannot be used for veggie gardens, in case it harbors any bacteria, but it is a great water-saving hack that cuts down on water costs and can come in very handy during the summer months when there are limits imposed on water usage.
Rainwater harvesting
Harvesting rainwater comes with a host of benefits: Its easy, it will save on usage of reticulated water and therefore reduce water bills, and it also offers an alternative water supply in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. If you don’t want to commit to implementing a full rainwater harvesting system from the get go, you can look to simply purchase one harvesting tank, to be attached to the bottom of a downpipe, for use in emergencies or periods of drought with water restrictions. Find out more about your rainwater harvesting options at https://organicnz.org.nz/magazine-articles/rainwater-harvesting/
Veggie gardens
Veggie gardens are a popular addition to many households, as they provide an opportunity to cut down on costs at the supermarket. However, growing veggies at home will also decrease you carbon footprint and reduce the amount of packaging waste generated by your household. To successfully grow your own veggies, keep your garden free from weeds and pests. Make sure you plan ahead and plant according to the season and conditions. Use this planting calendar to get started.
Lastly – composting is an efficient and easy way to reduce your household waste. Compost is made up of anything that can break down on its own. This includes nitrogen-rich matter such as fruit or vegetable waste and rabbit and guinea pig bedding, as well as carbon-rich material such as shredded paper and egg cartons. As the mixture of this waste breaks down into compost, it will provide nutrients that plants can absorb to grow stronger and healthier. Just ensure your compost bin can be fully enclosed so that it doesn’t attract pests, and add a variety of waste including nitrogen rich material, carbon rich material and some water.
Making sustainable or eco-friendly changes in your household doesn’t have to be drastic or expensive. Start by adopting one or two smaller changes into your household and before you know it, you will have reduced your carbon footprint and made an important step towards a more sustainable future.