EVES was born in the Bay of Plenty and although we’ve moved into different regions over the years, we’re still as local as can be. Like you’d expect from a true local, we understand the importance of keeping in touch with our community and supporting them the best we can, because we know that it is the support of our local community that has kept us in business for the past 50 years and will keep supporting us for the next 50.
For weeks, social distancing has been the name of the game and local businesses in our communities that depend on in-person foot traffic for their revenue were seriously hurting! Now it’s time for us all to get back out there and support our favourite shops, cafes, restaurants, retail stores and enjoy everything these businesses have to offer.
For some businesses, this support could be the little things that make the biggest difference – a follow or review on social media, a visit to their website, a recommendation to a friend. For others it will be spending more money with them, or choosing them over their national or multi-national counterparts.
Below are some of the ways that we, and you, can help support our local businesses.
Give them a review
Good online reviews on Google or Facebook can impact other customers decisions to shop or visit. It can also help the business show up better in search engines. And, since consumers trust online reviews as much as personal reviews, your rating can go a long way.
Word of mouth
The upside of living in our beautiful little regions is that word of mouth still goes a long way. If, right now, you can't purchase something from a small business you love, you can still tell all your friends about it, sing its praises or share their page on social media, or share their website.
Gift Cards
If you cant visit a local business right now or have no need to spend money with them right now – buy a gift card! This can help keep their cash flow steady, while you have something to look forward to later. It could even be a gift for someone special.
Try Something New
Take time to explore unique local shops, book into restaurants and cafes you haven’t eaten at before, or even make it a fun day out with friends going to activity places you haven’t tried yet – rock climbing, trampolining, or escape rooms.
Fix the lockdown DIY disasters
For some of us lockdown was a prime time to do all the odd jobs around the house we had been meaning to get to. And for some, that ended in disaster. So get in touch with your local plumbers, electricians, painters, etc, who need to come in and make the final fixes.
AT EVES, we pride ourselves on our long history of giving back to, and supporting, the local community. We are looking forward to getting out there now and supporting the people who have supported us.
Live, work, play and shop local, with EVES.