Contact EVES Real Estate
Email: info@eves.co.nz
Address: EVES Realty, Level 1, 247 Cameron Road, Tauranga 3110
Contact an office
Whangarei / Whangarei Office / 09 438 0071 / whangarei@eves.co.nz
Waikato / Rototuna Office / 07 854 3837 / rototuna@eves.co.nz
Waikato / Hamilton Victoria Street Office / 07 838 2039 / victoria@eves.co.nz
Waikato / Huntly Office / 07 828 8525 / huntly@eves.co.nz
Waikato / Putaruru Office / 07 883 3195 / putaruru@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Waihi / Waihi Office / 07 863 1118 / waihi@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Katikati / KatiKati Office / 07 549 0052 / katikati@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Omokoroa / Omokoroa Office / 07 557 9240 / omokoroa@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Tauranga / Bethlehem Office / 07 579 3503 / bethlehem@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Tauranga / Cherrywood Office / 07 576 2530 / cherrywood@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Tauranga / on Cameron Office / 07 579 5239 / cameron@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Tauranga / The Lakes / 07 543 3837 / thelakes@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Tauranga / Mount Maunganui Office / 07 572 8155 / mount@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Tauranga / Papamoa Office / 07 572 0111 / papamoa@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Rotorua / Rotorua Office / 07 348 0819 / rotorua@eves.co.nz
Bay of Plenty / Whakatane / Whakatane Office / 07 463 0020 / whakatane@eves.co.nz
Find a full list of people in our branches and agents in the Bay of Plenty, Waikato and Northland, or our property managers.
EVES Leadership
Karen Worley / General Manager - EVES Bay of Plenty / 07 579 0646 / karen.worley@eves.co.nz
Sean Foster / General Manager - EVES Waikato & EVES Franchise Services / 07 8347160 / sean.foster@eves.co.nz
Nikki Boulcott / General Manager - EVES Whangarei / 022 188 0363 / nikki.boulcott@eves.co.nz
Steve Lovegrove / General Manager - EVES Eastern BOP / 021 727 338 / steve.lovegrove@eves.co.nz
Gabriella Troutbeck / General Manager - Marketing & Communications / 027 330 3232 / gabriella.troutbeck@realtygroup.co.nz