EVES Realty - Real Estate and Property Management throughout Waikato and Bay of Plenty

Judy brings a wealth of knowledge to her clients

Originally from China Judy Gong is proud to be known as a Kiwi and enjoys being part of the Tauranga community. Living in Tauranga for 14 years she’s seen fast growth in the region and enjoys introducing people to her new home, especially the Chinese community.

Fluent in English and Mandarin Judy understands both Chinese and New Zealand cultures and appreciates the importance of high level communication. Her focus is keeping both buyers and sellers well informed within the rapidly growing, diverse housing market place and her bilingual expertise enables her to do this professionally.

Judy brings a wealth of knowledge to her clients and working within the well respected EVES brand she’s a valuable asset to anyone buying and selling in the Bay of Plenty.

我的名字叫龚烨,来自中国。 2002年我来到了这个美丽的城市陶兰家并爱上了它。在这15年来我目睹了陶兰家的发展和变化并融入了这个社会。我很愿意将这个美丽的城市与人文文化和大家共同分享,让更多的人了解认识新西兰陶兰家目前及未来的城市发展动向,为大家提供更好的居住环境信息。

我了解亚洲和西方文化能够用流利的中文和英文为客户提供相互了解,互相沟通中起到一个良好的桥梁作用,有利于为客户提供快速,直接,周到的服务以为客户在最短时间内取得最好的效果。我现服务于Eves /Bayles本公司是陶兰家最大的房产交易中介,有一个强大的团队服务于各界人士。我将用我的专业知识和专业操守服务于大众,竭诚为客户提供额外信息以帮助他们移居并融入新的环境。



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