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EVES Real Estate (Cherrywood)Cherrywood Drive
Otumoetai 94 Freyberg Street
Ohauiti 10 Kaimai View Drive
Welcome Bay 36 Philomel Crest
Tauranga South 5A Twelfth Avenue
Gate Pa 25A Greerton Road
Welcome Bay 5 Flight Valley Way
Matua 45 Tainui Street
Greerton 40A Waimapu Street
Avenues 31 Fourth Avenue
Greerton 9A Marshall Avenue
Ohauiti 5 Maggie Place
Pyes Pa 10 Scarr Lane
Welcome Bay 115A Waitaha Road
Gate Pa 101 Watling Street
Ohauiti 107 Adler Drive
Hairini 72 Sapphire Drive
Welcome Bay 10 Ridgemount...
Hairini 64B Haukore Street
Hairini 14 Diamond Head
Gate Pa 1017B Cameron Road
Bellevue 50A Margaret Road
Ohauiti 15A Ruahine Street
Pyes Pa 3 Hauruia Way
Welcome Bay 115B Waitaha Road
Otumoetai 2 Acklam Avenue
Bethlehem 22 Donnington Place
Tauranga Central 3/36 Seventh Avenue
Welcome Bay 34 Achilles Crescent
Gate Pa 18 Tom Muir Drive
Avenues 193B Sixteenth...
Avenues 75 Christopher...
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This free, no obligation service is an inspection of your property to help determine a realistic selling price in comparison with other comparable properties that have sold or that your property, if it came to the market, would be competing against. Your salesperson will take you through the appraisal and comparisons step by step to give you a good understanding of the current market.